
TRACING Solutions

Tracing Solutions

TEBA provides a range of Tracing and Document collation solutions to clients throughout Southern Africa. With our 100-year history, TEBA has developed excellent community and government relations, as well as an understanding of the dynamics within these areas. These relationships, in combination with our footprint and tireless dedication to quality assurance, make us a trusted partner of many funds.

Desktop Tracing

An industry benchmarked call center, with well-established links to third party data providers, enables us to provide cost effective desktop tracing to clients. Our call centre is resourced with multi-lingual consultants who are well trained in the specific requirements of all the tracing clients we service. Calls are recorded and monitored to maintain the same quality regardless of volumes, or the level of complexity.

Clients are provided with contact and residential information of all individuals whose details TEBA has obtained. If these individuals cannot be contacted within 30 days by the client, TEBA will retrace the individuals at no additional costs.

Physical Tracing and Section 37C investigations

TEBA has extensive experience in the Physical and Investigative Tracing services. Using the 60 TEBA offices as their base, 180 Tracing consultants travel in both urban and rural communities to track and trace claimants, their beneficiaries and/or relations who may be able to provide insight into the whereabouts of particular individuals.

Where required for large projects, TEBA deploys additional agents with the necessary skills and capacity to trace. Investigations include interviews with the family, friends, colleagues and past employer of the claimant to provide information regarding the beneficiaries of a deceased fund member. After all parties have been interviewed, and the necessary claim documents received, TEBA compiles a report for clients to assist with benefit allocations.

Tracing offices

To make your claim process as convenient and easy as possible for you, TEBA has 60 tracing offices across South Africa and also in Mozambique, Lesotho, Swaziland and Botswana.

Download our pamphlet to see all our offices or to get the relevant contact details, please download the contact sheet .


Tracing agents

To make your claim process as convenient and easy as possible for you, TEBA has supplied a list of tracing agents that will be able to assist you across South Africa and also in Mozambique, Lesotho, Swaziland and Botswana.

You can download a list of our tracing agents to find a contact within your region
