

TEBA Tuberculosis Programme

In collaboration with key stakeholders in the mining industry, including leading mines, donor funders and the government, TEBA has successfully registered more than 600,000 patients on the TEBA TB Treatment Programme.

Occupational Health Outreach

Since April 2016, TEBA has tracked down more than 3,100 miners, ex-miners and beneficiaries, of whom a substantial number have already received compensation which has made a notable difference in their lives.

Point of Care Clinics

Since the establishment of the TEBA Point of Care Clinics, more than 182,000 miners, ex-miners and their family members have been screened for TB. (378 people were diagnosed, and 80% have commenced TB treatment.) 80% of the people diagnosed with TB have commenced treatment.

Food Security Project

The Khoma Xitica Agricultural Association Food Security Project was established to create job opportunities and to improve the agricultural production and crop yield in the Manikiniki Village in Gaza Province, Mozambique. Not only does it still continue to contribute to food security, but also any surplus maise and vegetables are sold to generate income for the community. This is a great success story for the community of Manikiniki.

Harmony Gold Water Infrastructure Project

The Harmony Gold Water Infrastructure Project was established to improve the water supply to six rural villages. It continues to positively impact the daily lives of the community households who no longer have to spend a substantial portion of their day collecting water.

Project Scope Examples

  • Agricultural | Creation of employment, enhanced food security.
  • Community infrastructure development | Schools, health facilities, water reticulation, sanitation.
    Sustainable programmes to address socio-economic challenges through CSI and SLP/LED initiatives.
  • Portable skills, bursaries/scholarships, enterprise development, self-employment initiatives, mine-closure retrenchment interventions
Portable skills, bursaries/scholarships, enterprise development, self-employment initiatives, mine-closure retrenchment interventions