
Health Services

Health Services

Employers, workers and communities cannot realise their full potential if burdened by ill health.

TEBA engages with employers, donor organisations and funders to provide occupational health services that reach employees and communities. We have the expertise and experience to deliver awareness campaigns, community mobilisation programmes, care for the chronically ill programmes and crucial support for workers with health conditions and/ or injuries during and after employment.

TEBA also work closely with SADC and other regional partners to support initiatives directed towards reducing occupational lung diseases, with a specific focus on TB management.

Committed to keeping you and your community healthy

TEBA is committed to helping you and your communities to lead healthy lives. We partner with employers and other stakeholders to provide a range of important healthcare services that will help you avoid any serious health problems and also manage health issues if they arise. 

Home-Based Care (HBC) Services

  • Care for the chronically ill provided through home visits to medically repatriated patients due to ill health or injury
  • Healthcare staff monitor adherence to prescribed medicinal courses
  • Formal referral processes & links to local health facilities
    Transportation to relevant government health institutions
  • Cross border referral to appropriate government health institutions for biomedical care
  • Progress reports are delivered to clients on a regular basis

Home Adaptions

  • Installation of paraplegic toilet facilities (in rural areas)
  • Installation of a bathroom with equipment (bathtub with handrails and seat, paraplegic hand wash basin and flush toilet) to existing housing structure
  • Note: The bathroom installation is dependent on the availability of running water in the area.
  • Building of wheelchair-appropriate ramps and walkways
  • Widening of internal and external entrances/ doors
    Installation of 5000L water tanks and guttering
  • Installation of 150L solar geysers
  • Any other adaptions that the client may request TEBA to manage on their behalf


  • TB and HIV Screening and testing
  • Document collation for referral
  • Treatment adherence counselling and support
  • Tracing and referral for benefit medical examination
  • Tracing of defaulters and referral for continuity of care
  • Nutrition & disease prevention education


Read all our case studies here

For more information on any of the above services, please contact us.

Home-Based Care (HBC) Services

Home Adaptions

TB / HIV / Silicosis Services

Read all our case studies here 

For more information on any of the above services, please contact us.